Well, the monthly list idea went... ...so-so. I was doing well for the beginning part of the month, but then I remembered that Mass Effect 3 is coming out in March and Mass Effect 1 and 2 have swallowed a huge amount of my free time as I've played through them in preparation for that. Here's the results for January:
Short Games: Bastion (cleared), Rage (cleared), Homefront (cleared) - made it through all of these.
Long Game: Dungeons of Dredmor (cleared) - Made it through all of that.
Nonfiction Book: The art of Manliness: Manvotionals - Not cleared. I'm about halfway through and am enjoying taking it slower. Because it's a collection of shorter things, its not really suited to plowing through, at least if I'm going to get any sort of real value out of it.
Fiction Book: The Alloy of Law (cleared) - Made it through in just a half-dozen sittings, I think. But Sanderson is one of my favorite authors.
Movies: Midnight Chronicles (cleared), Seraphim Falls - didn't clear Seraphim Falls, but I may watch that in February.
TV Season: The Walking Dead: Season 1 - I completely fell down on this. I just didn't watch it, or rather didn't watch beyond episode 1. I don't think I'm going to, either, despite how much I keep getting told I should. This has been on and off the list a lot, but I just can't get into it. I'm kind of tapped out on gruesome and depressing, no matter how well it's executed.
For February, I polled the Fear the Boot community and came up with some interesting results. This list is not entirely based on the polling results, but most of it is. In particular, the non-fiction book is based on my wife repeatedly asking me nicely to finish it and seeming a little hurt that I put that one to a poll, so I'm going to go with her preference there.
Short Games: Orcs Must Die!, Portal 2, and Bioshock 2
Long Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (Secondary long game: Avadon: The Black Fortress. I'm going to attempt to get through both of these, because I mentioned to someone I'd try to get them an impression of Avadon at some point in the near future.)
Nonfiction Book: A Theology of Inclusivism
Fiction Book: American Gods
Movies: Cowboys & Aliens and Salt
TV Season: Jericho, Season 1
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Off the List: Haywire

RPG notes: As usual, this will contain spoilers. Spoilery, spoileriffic spoilers. So stop reading if you haven't seen the film. First, anyone planning on playing any sort of unarmed warrior character should watch this film twice and take notes. The coffee ambush from the film's opening scene in particular stands out as the sort of combat ruthlessness that would make a Krav Maga instructor proud. The plot is fairly standard, so there's not much to pull from there, but I did like the idea that not all black ops types are ruthless, amoral, and disinterested in the safety of innocents around them. Mallory did a pretty good job of splitting combatants into groups of those who were genuine bad guys (like the ex-MI6 guy sent to kill her) and people who didn't deserve to be killed or maimed (like the SWAT team sent after her) and fighting appropriately. There's also an excellent case for characters trained in hand-to-hand combat even in these days of automatic weapons in this film.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Cleared: The Alloy of Law

RPG notes: Well, it bears mentioning at the outset that there is an official, licensed Mistborn RPG out there, though I have yet to see an actual copy of it, so I can't comment other than to say I'm glad someone got the Mistborn license and made a game out of it. Anyhow, as usual, there's an excellent chance that I'll spoil something you'd rather not have spoiled in here, so if you haven't read the book yourself, be aware that this is a
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Cleared: Bastion

RPG notes: If you play video games, are reading this, and haven't played the game - GET OUT OF HERE. Why? Because the RPG notes are also the spoiler section, that's why! This is one story you don't want spoiled at all. So just to be clear: if you haven't finished Bastion, go play the game and come back. These posts are stored in the cloud by Google forever. My "brilliant" thoughts on the game's spoil-able elements will still be here when you get back. TL;DR: SPOILER WARNING. Anyway, the game's world is unique and interesting. It's a fantasy setting, certainly, but there's no direct mention of magic. Technology is high enough for some fairly advanced firearms, but bows and melee weapons are still in use. I'd really like to see a prequel set in pre-Calamity Caelondia. Then there's the monsters: windbags, gasfellas, squirts, lunkheads, ankle gators, the list goes on. Nowhere is there a plain ol' dragon, or even something as easy to take for granted as a horse. There's also the Calamity itself, the Bastion, and all the space-time warping inferred therein. But all that aside, there's still some great inspiration to be had. Rucks, The Kid, and Zulf are all deep, nuanced characters that would make fantastic NPCs. The post-Calamity world with its floating sky-islands is almost a character unto itself, and the plot of the endgame, with Rucks trying to fix the Calamity and Zulf trying to hold him to account over it could easily be used as the basis for an entire campaign.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Cleared: Midnight Chronicles

RPG notes: Well, considering that entire movie is based on an RPG setting, I suppose it's its own RPG notes on some level. But that's a cop-out. The one bit that I really did like was that the legate that much of the story revolves around seems to be some sort of destined hero. This is kind of an interesting problem, considering that he's on the bad guy's side. And that concept, all by itself, should be enough to get any GM worth their salt thinking. When the person you need to defeat the Big Bad is a loyal servant of said Big Bad, then what?
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Cleared: Homefront

RPG notes: Spoiler warning, as usual. Okay, so here's the thing: I'd really like to see a Fallout (or even S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) style open RPG in the Homefront setting. The world is fairly consistent and plausible enough, the Korean army are vicious, murderous monsters (mass graves, killing parents in front of toddler-aged children, etc.) that are easy to hate. The various crazy survivalists, resistance cells, and others in the game would make a great patchwork world of shifting allegiances and battle lines that it would be great to travel through through as a lone wanderer of some kind. I could easily envision setting a really fantastic tabletop RPG campaign in the setting as well. My only real setting gripe is that weapons technology hasn't advanced at all in 2027? Really? Everybody's using the same exact rifles and accessories they do today? Some fun near-future stuff like caseless assault rifles, an OICW-style weapon of some sort, and so forth would be a welcome addition, but could be easily hacked in by an enterprising GM.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Cleared: Dungeons of Dredmor
I'm not sure I have ever felt such a sense of triumph after beating a game on easy. It took me 64 hours and I don't know how many times I died, but I finally made it to the bottom of the dungeon and took down Lord Dremor. (Then I deliberately died to him a few minutes later to get the achievement.) Anyway, I think this game probably gets the cost-to-enjoyment ratio award for the last 12 years. (I can't go back to '99, however, because that's when Jagged Alliance 2 was released.) I got this game as part of a humble bundle, and fired it up on a completely random whim. And then it hooked me. It hooked me bad. Getting to the bottom of the dungeon, even without permadeath, was quite the achievement, but it was fun, for several reasons. First and most importantly, the game has a sense of humor, and every bit as important - that sense of humor is clean. (Well, mostly. There's a few double entendres about wands and staves in there, and one monster, but the overwhelming majority of the game's humor comes from wit and ridiculousness. This would be worthless if the game itself wasn't any fun to play, however, and this game was a very satisfying experience. The skill trees always had something cool to offer, the loot was peppered with all sorts of cool things, including literary and media references. And the combat was surprisingly satisfying, given how simple it is. The game rewards cleverness and punishes carelessness, and especially towards the end, I felt like I'd gotten a lot better at playing it. Oh, and did I mention it's turn-based? Interestingly, I'm not sure this is going to get me into the roguelike genre, per se, but I'll happily snatch up any additional content the creators put out for this. It's well worth the full price of the game and its expansion, which, by the way, is only $7.49 on Steam. This is one of those "just go get it already" recommendations. I don't think I've seen a better value in gaming in ten years.
RPG notes: The anachronisms of the setting (vending machines in the dungeon, etc.) would be fun to play with, and the bolt council and its implied machinations are some fun lightweight inspiration for how a morally-ambiguous fantasy guild might operate. Not sure how many of the monsters I'd want to swipe, although a few of the ones on the lowest levels might be cool.
RPG notes: The anachronisms of the setting (vending machines in the dungeon, etc.) would be fun to play with, and the bolt council and its implied machinations are some fun lightweight inspiration for how a morally-ambiguous fantasy guild might operate. Not sure how many of the monsters I'd want to swipe, although a few of the ones on the lowest levels might be cool.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Cleared: Rage

RPG notes: Rage's setting is a good place to start if you want to make a post-apocalyptic game that isn't too bleak. There are also some fun ideas for weapons and gadgets in the game. Lock grinders, RC bomb cars, and of course, wingsticks could all be dropped into multitude of modern and/or near-future settings.
Monthly list replacement: since I polished the game off on day 2, I'm going to drop Homefront into the other short game slot.
The Unfinished: Need For Speed: Undercover

RPG notes: Well, on the upside, there will be no spoilers in this, 'cause darned if I can advance the plot in this game! Anyway, the basic premise behind the game (doing wheelman jobs in a modern city and tuning up your car as you are successful) could make for a fun, if somewhat stereotypical game, but imagine porting it to another setting. In a post-apocalyptic game, being a wasteland courier would, frankly, rock. Take a little of The Postman, a little of Id software's Rage, and some Fallout and you've got a world dotted with isolated settlements that need reliable service between them. Also, in a fantasy game, the player could be a an extraction specialist for some Robin Hood style outlaws or a thieves' guild, and instead of a car, could use a magic carpet or even some unusually fast draft animals to get people and things around without being grabbed by the authorities.
The New Idea: Monthly Lists
So now that my Backlog has grown to an absolutely TITANIC size, I'm looking at it for this year and thinking: "What can I do to get this pared down?" Here's what I thought of. Each month, I'll pick 2 short games, a long game, a fiction book, a nonfiction book, two movies, and a TV season. Those items will become the focus of my efforts for that month. We'll see if this bears fruit or not, but here's my set of picks for January. Long games may take multiple months of hammering on to get through - some RPGs are LOOONG, so I'll pick a new one when I finish one. If I punch something off the list for the month, I may replace it with something, or I might just focus on other stuff - If I've learned anything doing this blog, it's that I need to keep it somewhat informal if I'm going to have any success.
Short games: Bastion, Rage
Long game: Dungeons of Dredmor
Nonfiction book: The Art of Manliness: Manvotionals
Fiction book: The Alloy of Law
Movies: Midnight Chronicles, Seraphim Falls
TV Season: The Walking Dead: Season 1
Short games: Bastion, Rage
Long game: Dungeons of Dredmor
Nonfiction book: The Art of Manliness: Manvotionals
Fiction book: The Alloy of Law
Movies: Midnight Chronicles, Seraphim Falls
TV Season: The Walking Dead: Season 1
The List, 2012 additions, subtractions, and a new idea to help remove stuff.
Additions: The Steam Sale, some recommendations from friends, and spotting some interesting new stuff at work has increased the size of my list of stuff to consume.
PC Games: I bought some stuff in the Steam Sale, picked up some bundle packs, and dug some old physical media up during some recent cleaning. Here's what's getting added to the list:
AAAaaaaAAA: A reckless Disregard for Gravity
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Gothic II
Gothic III
Gothic III: Forsaken Gods
ArcaniA: Gothic 4
Arcania: Fall of Setariff
Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword
Portal 2
X: Beyond the Frontier
X2: The Threat
X3: Terran Conflict
X3: Reunion
X3: Albion Prelude
And here's what's coming off of it:
Blocks that Matter
Breath of Death VII
Cthulhu Saves the World
E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy
Hellgate: London
Need for Speed: Undercover (this is getting a "The Unfinished" entry, however)
Night Sky
TV Shows: Nothing new to add or remove at this point.
Fiction Books: One addition: The Alloy of Law, by Brandon Sanderson.
Nonfiction Books: An addition: The Brick Bible, by Brendan Powell Smith
Movies: No change to the list.
In addition, starting this month, I'm going to pick something from each category to focus on throughout the month and see if I can use that to pare things down a bit. Watch for the first of those posts immediately following this one.
PC Games: I bought some stuff in the Steam Sale, picked up some bundle packs, and dug some old physical media up during some recent cleaning. Here's what's getting added to the list:
AAAaaaaAAA: A reckless Disregard for Gravity
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Gothic II
Gothic III
Gothic III: Forsaken Gods
ArcaniA: Gothic 4
Arcania: Fall of Setariff
Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword
Portal 2
X: Beyond the Frontier
X2: The Threat
X3: Terran Conflict
X3: Reunion
X3: Albion Prelude
And here's what's coming off of it:
Blocks that Matter
Breath of Death VII
Cthulhu Saves the World
E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy
Hellgate: London
Need for Speed: Undercover (this is getting a "The Unfinished" entry, however)
Night Sky
TV Shows: Nothing new to add or remove at this point.
Fiction Books: One addition: The Alloy of Law, by Brandon Sanderson.
Nonfiction Books: An addition: The Brick Bible, by Brendan Powell Smith
Movies: No change to the list.
In addition, starting this month, I'm going to pick something from each category to focus on throughout the month and see if I can use that to pare things down a bit. Watch for the first of those posts immediately following this one.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to anyone reading this. I hope 2011 was good for you, and I hope 2012 is even better. In the next couple of days, I'll put together a New Year's list of stuff for the backlog, prune out things that I've lost interest in, and so forth. But for now, I'm just happy 2011 is over. That was a rough year.
Steam Holiday Sale: Day 14: Reruns
Steam, as they usually do on the last day of one of their big sales, is running a second round of some of their better stuff. Pretty much everything's good, so rather than cut and paste, I'm just going to trust that you know what you still have on your list, if anything, and get it.
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